Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Well today was horrible we got to the doctor office at 730am and we left close to 930am they did a blood culture and took blood from her which took three soliders to hold her down man was she upset then we go down to xray and they put her in this thing look like a c- clamp kind of contraption it was horrible this thing held her arms above her head she was in like this see thru thing I stood in front of her but that did not help the fact at all. I felt so bad for her. So back to Doctor Binder office and waited for the results of the blood work and xray which all came back good we have to wait for the blood culture now Doctor Binder is still believing that its a viral infection of some kind she just wants to be safe. I was very glad that John was there with me today. When we got home she had a bottle and took a two hour nap.. She seems to be feeling better so hopefully we are over the worst part and we might be able to sleep again.. Well need to get some stuff done around here before John gets home. I will update when I hear something.

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