Monday, January 19, 2009

Emergency Room Again.....

After another long night with Brianna we took her over to Evans Army Hospital when we got there her temp was 102.5 they got her temp down with tylenol and motrin cathe her and checked to see if she had a uti and that came back clear and they seem to think its a viral infection they checked her lungs and ears everything was clear so I have to take her to her doctor in the am. Doctor just said to keep doing what we are doing. Told us to give her tylenol ever four hours not to let it wear off to keep her temp under control and get her to her doctor in the am. John and I are wore out.. Well we are hoping for a nap we are all going to try to lay down she seems pretty sleepy but she is stubborn and is fighting it. I will keep everyone posted on her.

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